09 March 2021

[30-day writing challenge] Day-10: The best friend

 Hi, hello again. After some in-depth thoughts, I also don't have time to write at this space regularly at all, LMAO. 

So we are moving on to the day-10...

It's about best friend... Well, actually I don't have really much of what-so-called best friend. But once you are considered as best friend to me, I'm so fucking loyal to you like a hound. Yes, I'm so attached to the strings etc. Talking about best friend we are going...

03 March 2021

[30 day challenge] Day-9: Happyness

 Halo, gue kayaknya mulai berfikir gue nulis karena gue galau aja ya haha 😂.

Gue berpikir untuk melanjutkan this 30-days writing challenge karena ya karena sebenarnya topiknya menarik dan ada beberapa topik yang memang mau gue tulis dan akan lebih baik apabila dibuat singkat dalam tulisan model begini daripada bikin panjang-panjang.

So switch the language and here we go to the Day-9, it's about happiness. In the title, I type it like that on purpose, because just because. If I told you all that I write because I'm sad and there are no posts for around 5 months, means yes I was happy last few months. And because I'm sad now, I can write and reminisce that happy moments again. 

02 October 2020

[30 days challenge] Day-8: The music


Ini edisi telat sehari jadi abis Day-8 langsung Day-9 ya nanti HAHA. Sejujurnya seperti yang gue udah bilang di beberapa post sebelumnya, aslinya lagi sibuk tapi menyempatkan diri menulis untuk sekedar merenung sejenak dan melepas stress hahaha.

Hari ke delapan membahas the power of music... Hmm, gue sebenernya orangnya bukan musik banget sih, markicob.

30 September 2020

[30 days challenge] Day-7: The movie


Waw, seminggu full menulis. Gue sungguh kagum dengan diri sendiri actually 😂.

Day-7, the favorite movie. Well, gue punya segudang film kesukaan sesungguhnya, salah satu favorit gue adalah film-filmnya Di Caprio. Surprisingly, film favorit gue, justru jauh dari Di Caprio di filmnya. Jadi di hari ketujuh ini gue akan membahas salah satu film favorit gue, check it out!

29 September 2020

[30 day challenge] Day-6: Single and happy?


Still amazed to myself that I'm still consistent writing this up to day-6 LOL. Well, actually I got 2 reasons for that, the first one is because writing this is easy, don't need to think much, and research much (unlike my Point of View post, which sometimes I did hours even days of research for the story). The second one is because I'm a bit stressed out from work deadline. A little bit contrary on what I am doing while I am in near deadline, writing this mostly took only 1-hourish to finish, relieve some accumulated stress, and also help me to write in English better (that's why I use English more 😄). Even though I know my English is still basic level and many-many simple grammar mistakes, they said practice makes perfect.

So in the sixth day, we will write about...

Single and happy, actually I don't know what to write about this though. I'm single but happy? I don't know...

28 September 2020

[30 days challenge] Day-5: The parents


Hari ke-5, agak surprising kalau gue konsisten menulis ini selama lima hari berturut-turut hahahaha

Hari kelima akan membahas mengenai orang tua.... Hmm sesungguhnya ini materi yang sulit ya so let's see....

27 September 2020

[30 days challenge] Day-4: The places I want to visit


Kembali melanjutkan tantangan menulis 30 hari seperti di post-post sebelumnya...

Hari ke-empat membahas tempat-tempat yang gue mau kunjungi...

26 September 2020

[30 days challenge] Day-3: The memories


Masih melanjutkan the 30 days writing challenge seperti yang bisa dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Hari ke-3 membawa gue pada kenangan.... Hmm okay let's do this!

25 September 2020

[30 days challenge] Day-2: The happy things


To continue the 30 days challenge, I'm going to the 2nd day now, the things that makes me happy.

Actually I insisted that if you read, you should make one 😂. Drop the link on the comment section or mention to me on Twitter. 

The things that makes me happy are many things across various sector actually, let me tell you a story about it...

24 September 2020

[30 days challenge] Day-1: The personality


So I found some interesting tweet on the other day.

I decided to follow the tweet since it could be fun and time-killing since I don't have too many work lately. Here we go start with a day-1, the personality...

30 days challenge of writing